Leaving Holiday Marina for the Last Time.
Second Chance is sitting on stands in the Aqualand boatyard. The last trip across the lake was peaceful and a little sad. Second Chance has been on Lanier for over 9 years and I feel like it is ready to play in the blue water. The haul out was uneventful and Stumpy, the Aqualand Yard Master, handled her with kid gloves. The pressure wash almost wasn't needed but was nice to get the lake scum off the bottom. The bottom was in excellent shape and didn't have the array of blisters it did the last time I hauled it out. We just need to touch up a few places and it will be ready for salt water.
I managed to get temporary power on so I could run the fans and the tv ( at least until the arch gets taken down ). I got the batteries rewired and installed a new 12V bus on the starboard side for all the added equipment like the AIS, Radar, and SSB. I also go the new tempering valve installed on the shower. Thanks for the GREAT idea Stu. Finally a shower that you don't have to jump in and out of because of the temperature fluctuations. I hope to get all the little jobs that remain this week and decommission it next week, hopefully on to Savannah by the 15th.
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