Up early to get the final things taken care of. Beth and I headed over to the fuel dock while we waited on Immigration to come by and give us clearance out of the country. The guys from immigration showed up around 9am and the dockmaster, Armondo had everything ready to go so clearing out was quite simple. We filled the fuel tanks, waited for J and Jerr to fuel up and we headed out of El Cid marina. The weather was good and a 20 knot wind from the east/southeast would give us a good sail.
departing El Cid, Puerto Morelos |
Approaching Cozumel |
An hour later, still approaching Cozumel |
Enjoying the sail into Cozumel |
The plan was to head to Cozumel, anchor out for the night and start again in the morning. We were guided to a very nice anchorage just offshore by the port captain's office. We were welcomed to Cozumel on the radio and we both set our anchors. It was an excellent anchorage.
Cruise Ship departing Cozumel |
Approaching Cozumel |
Finally Anchored and went ashore. Second Chance can be seen in the background at anchor.
Because of the current working against us and the wind from the southeast, it was a really long sail even though we had only covered about 25 miles. This was not according to our plan so we would be rethinking our next anchorage. We took the dinghy's with the dogs to shore where a local guy, Paco, helped us pull it onshore and offered to watch the dinghy for us while we wandered around town.
We all enjoyed a good meal including the dogs as the restaurant allowed them to sit with us. We wandered around the tourist area and for a Friday night, it was very quiet. Cozumel didn't seem as touristy as Cancun but maybe a little more than Playa Del Carmen. After dinner we walked around the shops and back to where we had beached the dinghy's. Paco had indeed watched over our boats and was rewarded with a nice tip.
We returned to the boat to settle in for the evening. Because of the current the boat wouldn't line up into the wind so we couldn't get a breeze going through the boat. This made it quite warm and I didn't get much sleep.
This post may get updated with additional pictures once we get the pictures from J and Jerr's camera.
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